
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy Good Detox Drink Recipe

This is a vlog I put together to show you how to make a 'crazy good' detox drink.  I have used this drink for several months now and I love it. I drink it every morning and when I do a full juice detox I incorporate this into my detox program three times a day. I can see a vast difference in how I feel when I drink this recipe.
I am in the process of putting up a website for sharing what I believe is the best detox system ever!  Because we are a tripart being (body, mind and Spirit) I believe in addressing our entire being for a total cleansing that will change you into 'crazy good' health! 
I will be sharing recipes for detox using this apple cider vinegar drink as well as incorporating juicing and healthy 'real' food (no crazy fad diets).  I will also be sharing herbal tea remedy's, yoga postures, skin care and meditation for a complete and total detox of mind, body and spirit. 
So stay tuned. I will share my vlog recipes as I complete the total 'Crazy Good Life Now Detox System'. 
Please feel free to visit my website it is still a work in progress. In the meantime, try my apple cider vinegar detox drink and let me know what you think. 
Do the Crazy Thing!

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